_ctry Struct Reference
[Radio Interface Layer (RIL) oriented code.]

List of countries in the tower cell ID database. More...

Data Fields

int id
 Country ID.
int n
 Number of mobile networks in the country.
int siz
 Size of the whole country tree.
struct _netnets
 Networks available in the country.
struct _ctrynext
 Next element in the list.

Detailed Description

List of countries in the tower cell ID database.

Field Documentation

int _ctry::id

Country ID.

int _ctry::n

Number of mobile networks in the country.

Number of mobile networks in the list pointed by nets.

Size of the whole country tree.

Size in bytes of this structure + total size of all mobile network trees belonging to this country.

struct _net* _ctry::nets [read]

Networks available in the country.

struct _ctry* _ctry::next [read]

Next element in the list.

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