ce/cidb.c File Reference

Creates a tower cell id database from a textual description. More...

#include "cidb.h"
#include "csvrd.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

Data Structures

struct  _coord
 List of coordinates for one tower cell. More...
struct  _cell
 List of tower cells. More...
struct  _area
 List of areas belonging to a mobile network in the tower cell ID database. More...
struct  _net
 List of mobile networks belonging to a country in the tower cell ID database. More...
struct  _ctry
 List of countries in the tower cell ID database. More...
struct  _db
 Whole tower cell ID database. More...
struct  _parsectx
 Context for the CSV parsing routine. More...


#define _INT2CHAR(theBuf, aNum)
 Converts the given integer to an array of 4 bytes in a specified platform independend format.
#define _CHAR2INT(theNum, aBuf)
 Converts the given byte array in a platform independent format to an integer.
#define _WRINT(theRet, anFD, aNum, aBuf, aJmp)
 Writes the given integer number to the file.
#define _RDINT(theRet, theNum, anFD, aBuf, aJmp)
 Reads an integer from the file.


t_cidb_err cidbcrt (const t_filename *anInputFile, const t_filename *anOutputFile, t_cidb_progress aProgrCb, double aMinLat, double aMaxLat, double aMinLon, double aMaxLon, void *aProgrCbCtx)
 Creates a binary tower cell ID database file from the CSV file from http://www.opencellid.org.
t_cidb_err cidbrd (t_cidbrd_ctx *aCtx, t_cidb_coord *theCoords, int *theNum, t_hfileio anFD, int aCtryId, int aNetId, int anAreaId, int aCellId)
 Reads coordinates of the given tower cell from the database.
t_cidb_err cidbrdfile (t_cidb_coord *theCoords, int *theNum, const t_filename *aFileName, int aCtryId, int aNetId, int anAreaId, int aCellId)
 Reads coordinates of the given tower cell from the database.
void cidbrd_ctx_free (t_cidbrd_ctx *aCtx)
 Releases memory occupied by the given context.

Detailed Description

Creates a tower cell id database from a textual description.

Daniel Stoinski

Function Documentation

void cidbrd_ctx_free ( t_cidbrd_ctx aCtx  ) 

Releases memory occupied by the given context.

aCtx pointer to the context for cidbrd().

Generated on Mon Jul 12 14:51:51 2010 for cetoys by  doxygen 1.5.6