_tarhdr Struct Reference

Header for each file contained in the tar archive. More...

Data Fields

char filename [100]
 Name of the file or directory.
char filemode [8]
 Mode of the file, eg 0000755.
char userid [8]
 Owner's numeric user ID, octal.
char groupid [8]
 Group's numeric user ID, octal.
char filesize [12]
 File size in bytes, octal, 0 for directories.
char modtime [12]
 Last modification time, number of seconds since epoch, octal.
char checksum [8]
 Checksum for header block.
char link_indicator [1]
 Link indicator.
char linked_file [100]
 Name of the linked file.
char magic [6]
 String ustar.
char version [2]
 Version, string 00.
char uname [32]
 User name.
char gname [32]
 Group name.
char devmajor [8]
 Device major number.
char devminor [8]
 Device minor number.
char prefix [155]

Detailed Description

Header for each file contained in the tar archive.

Field Documentation

char _tarhdr::filename[100]

Name of the file or directory.

Mode of the file, eg 0000755.

char _tarhdr::userid[8]

Owner's numeric user ID, octal.

Group's numeric user ID, octal.

File size in bytes, octal, 0 for directories.

char _tarhdr::modtime[12]

Last modification time, number of seconds since epoch, octal.

Checksum for header block.

Link indicator.

Theoretically the following values are possible:

  1. 0 normal file
  2. 1 hard link
  3. 2 symbolic link
  4. 3 character special
  5. 4 block special
  6. 5 directory
  7. 6 fifo.

Name of the linked file.

char _tarhdr::magic[6]

String ustar.

Version, string 00.

char _tarhdr::uname[32]

User name.

char _tarhdr::gname[32]

Group name.

Device major number.

Device minor number.

char _tarhdr::prefix[155]


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Generated on Mon Jul 12 14:51:51 2010 for cetoys by  doxygen 1.5.6