_crtthrctx Struct Reference
[Radio Interface Layer (RIL) oriented code.]

Structure passed to the tower cell info DB creation thread procedire. More...

Data Fields

struct _crtctx crtctx
 Context for callbacks.
 Name of the input CSV file.
 Name of the resulting binary DB file.
double minlat
 Minimum latitude of the area to read in.
double maxlat
 Maximum latitude of the area to read in.
double minlon
 Minimum longitude of the area to read in.
double maxlon
 Maximum longitude of the area to read in.
t_cidb_progress progrcb
 Callback routine.

Detailed Description

Structure passed to the tower cell info DB creation thread procedire.

Field Documentation

struct _crtctx _crtthrctx::crtctx [read]

Context for callbacks.

TCHAR _crtthrctx::szFnCsv[MAX_PATH+1]

Name of the input CSV file.

TCHAR _crtthrctx::szFnDb[MAX_PATH+1]

Name of the resulting binary DB file.

Minimum latitude of the area to read in.

Maximum latitude of the area to read in.

Minimum longitude of the area to read in.

Maximum longitude of the area to read in.

Callback routine.

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Generated on Mon Jul 12 14:51:51 2010 for cetoys by  doxygen 1.5.6