Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | MAINICON 100 |
ID of the main icon. | |
#define | T_CTRY 101 |
ID of the readonly text control for the country. | |
#define | T_NET 102 |
ID of the readonly text control for the mobile network. | |
#define | T_AREA 103 |
ID of the readonly text control for the area. | |
#define | T_CELL 104 |
ID of the readonly text control for the cell. | |
#define | T_COORD 105 |
ID of the readonly text control for the coordinates of the tower cell. | |
#define | T_LATFROM 106 |
ID of the configuration text control for the min latitude to import from the CSV file. | |
#define | T_LATTO 107 |
ID of the configuration text control for the max. latitude to import from the CSV file. | |
#define | T_LONFROM 108 |
ID of the configuration text control for the min longitude to import from the CSV file. | |
#define | T_LONTO 109 |
ID of the configuration text control for the max longitude to import from the CSV file. | |
#define | T_TIMER 110 |
ID of the configuration text control for the querying timer. | |
#define | T_UDP 111 |
ID of the configuration text control for the UDP port to send a packet with the current location of tower cell. | |
#define | DLG_CELLINFO 200 |
ID of the dialog window of the cell tower info application. | |
#define | S_ERRTIT 300 |
ID of the string for the title of the error message box. | |
#define | S_CIAPPERR_OK 301 |
ID of the resource string for error code CIAPPERR_OK. | |
ID of the resource string for error code CIAPPERR_REGISTER_CLASS. | |
#define | S_CIAPPERR_INIT 303 |
ID of the resource string for error code CIAPPERR_INIT. | |
#define | S_CIAPPERR_QUERY 304 |
ID of the resource string for error code CIAPPERR_QUERY. | |
#define | S_CIAPPERR_UNINIT 305 |
ID of the resource string for error code CIAPPERR_UNINIT. | |
#define | S_CIAPPERR_TIMER 306 |
ID of the resource string for error code CIAPPERR_TIMER. | |
#define | S_CIAPPERR_KILLTIMER 307 |
ID of the resource string for error code CIAPPERR_KILLTIMER. | |
#define | S_CIAPPERR_UNKNOWN 308 |
ID of the resource string for error code CIAPPERR_UNKNOWN. | |
#define | BTN_CFG 401 |
ID of the config button. | |
#define | DLG_CIDB 901 |
ID of the tower cell info db configuration dialog. | |
#define | BTN_SELCSVFILE 1001 |
ID of the search button. | |
#define | BTN_SELDBFILE 1002 |
ID of the DB file selection button. | |
#define | BTN_DEFDBFILE 1003 |
ID of the DB file definition button. | |
#define | BTN_LOADCSVFILE 1004 |
ID of the load button. | |
#define | T_CSVFILE 1101 |
ID of the edit box for the name of the CSV file. | |
#define | T_DBFILE 1102 |
ID of the edit box for the name of the DB file. | |
#define | I_PROGR_RD 1103 |
ID of the progress bar for reading. | |
#define | I_PROGR_WR 1104 |
ID of the progress bar for writing. | |
#define | S_CSVFILTER 1201 |
ID of the string for filtering files in the Open File Dialog for CSV files. | |
#define | S_DBFILTER 1203 |
ID of the string for filtering files in the Open File Dialog for DB files. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_TITLE 1300 |
ID of the title string for the tower cell info error message window. | |
#define | S_CIDB_UNKN_ERR 1301 |
ID of the string for an unknown cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_OK 1302 |
ID of the string for asuccess information. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_PARAM 1303 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_MEMORY 1304 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_READ 1305 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_WRITE 1306 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_PARSE 1307 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_FILE 1308 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_SEEK 1309 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_INTERRUPT 1310 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_ERR_INTERNAL 1311 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_NFND_CTRY 1312 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_NFND_NET 1313 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_NFND_AREA 1314 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_NFND_CELL 1315 |
ID of the string for cidb error message. | |
#define | S_CIDB_TITLE 1350 |
ID of the title string for the tower cell info message window. |